Sunday 3 February 2013

Kudzu 500mg (Pueraria Lobata)...Rm 170

Kudzu 500mg (For Breast Enlargement & Firmness By Ingestation Of The Puararia Lobata)

Pueraria Lobata helps the development of the mammary tissues and helps enlarge the breast by lengthering & branching the duct that connect to the nipple.
It increases the fatty tissue and ligaments around the breast that provide support and shape. These ducts branch out from the nipple into the interior of the lobules resulting in fuller and firmer breast. It also maintains and simulates the collagen which then stimilates the development of new skin cells, that improves the breast skin and maintains a natural look.
In a test group, all the women had charasma clearance, 94% were found to have experienced faster skin recovery (from cuts or abrasions), healthier skin and firmier breasts. They also experienced some mammary pain as a result of breasts enlarging. Also, 88% experienced enlarged breasts and heathier darker hair, 85% had increased vaginal secretion during sexual activities, 29% had healthier menstructation and a small percentage had slightly enlarged hips.
The tests concluded that phyto-estrogen, originating from Pueraria Lobata, had estrogenic effects, such as breast firmness, breast enlargement and healthier skin and hair.
Breast cancer: only cancer screening tests can indicate the potential and occurrence of breast cancer. There is, thus far, no techniques to reduce to prevent the risk of it. Therefore, studies have concluded that prevention is still the best option, in reducing the risk of cancer and stopping its occurence.Consumption of health products such as Pueraria Lobata aidsin the prevention of breast cancer

Monday 14 January 2013

Friday 11 January 2013

Fat Bunner Unisex....Rm 160

Fat Burner...120caps
Thermogenics are also commonly referred to as Fat-Burners or E/C/A Stacks (The letters stand for Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin, although Aspirin is rarely used today). These substances are designed to help promote lipolysis in the body (the breaking down of body fat to be used as energy). They also stimulate the body's Central Nervous System, which is why you may feel mentally alert or the "jitters" after popping one of these babies.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Skin whitening + Collagen P3000 (Usa)....Rm 230

Packaging : 
5 ampoules vitamin c 1000mg  
5 vials glutathione 300mg + collagen extract

Skin Whitening Gluta Tationil 600 mg (Italy)....Rm 220

Packaging :  
 10 vials glutathione 600mg + DISTILLED AQUA
Combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, whitening of the skin, more youthful skin and stay healthy